Sort Sol - et naturfænomen hvor stære danser på aftenhimlen
Sort Sol fænomenet er en fantastisk oplevelse når flere hundredetusinde stære danser ballet på aftenhimlen over Ribe Marsken.
Only a few experiences show the greatness of nature as Black Sun. It is breathtaking to see the large flocks with hundreds of thousands of starlings. Whether they are "dancing" in the evening sky or just gathering to find a night seat among the reeds.
In the birds' spring and autumn migration, the fascinating sight appears in many places along the Wadden Sea, and you can easily be lucky to experience the flocks yourself.
Also experience the migratory birds in the Wadden Sea National Park, where the birds meet to refuel before the big trip to the wintering grounds to the south. Occasionally a sea eagle can be spotted and if you are lucky also a spoonbill.
Season for Black Sun March / April and September / October.
The Wadden Sea is home, respite and larder for millions of birds and one of the best places to observe birds in Denmark. We have put together a list of tips for enjoying birdwatching in the Wadden Sea responsibly.
Wadden Sea National Park - Code of Conduct